Nicole Torrance

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565 minutes

I’m taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation!

Hi there, I'm taking on the challenge of Stride4Stroke and raising funds for Stroke Foundation to help prevent stroke, save lives and enhance recovery.

In the next 19 minutes, someone, somewhere in Australia is going to have a stroke for the first time.

Stroke is one of Australia's biggest killers and doesn't discriminate; it affects anyone, anytime, even unborn babies. It claims more lives than breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. And incredibly, around 600 Australian children experience stroke each year.

By supporting me, you'll be helping to sustain vital programs and resources that Stroke Foundation provides, including:

Preventing Stroke:

  • StrokeSafe Talks
  • Australia's Biggest Blood Pressure Check
  • Information Resources

Saving Lives:

  • F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) Signs of Stroke Awareness
  • Living Guidelines for Stroke Management
  • InformMe Website for Health Professionals

Enhancing Recovery:

  • StrokeLine
  • My Stroke Journey
  • EnableMe Website for Survivors of Stroke

Your support goes beyond just a donation; it's a lifeline for individuals at risk of stroke and survivors of stroke.

Thank you for supporting me. Together we can change the state of stroke in Australia for generations to come.

My Updates

March 18th was a normal day for me this year, it was my oldest sons 26th birthday we went over to the club with some friends an i had a couple of glasses of wine nothing unusual, went home and went to bed as usual, woke up at 3am with a horrendous migraine and started vomiting straight away i have always suffered them but i hadn't had one for 6 years ( i hadn't missed them' I continued to throw up every 10 15 minutes for approx 8 hours, Matt rang around lunch time as he had had quite a a few of these what i'm going to talk about next and loved them i haad even had one the week before and felt fantastic after it. he rang and said are you up for a cryothrerapy session? I was still being sick so passed, but by 5.30 I was good and could make it for a 6pm session remembering they only go for 3minutes and get down to -124degrees in 3 minutes so god dam cold 1.5 minutes into it my head was feeling not good and i thought it''s not worth it im getting out'so i hit the emergency button and the guy came over i said get me out ive done something to my head!!!!!! he said jut do a slow circle you are doing great only 1 90 sec to go i said get me out he hit the button door was opened from then on was crazy matt was there he came over and in minutes i was in the most psin i have ever been in in my life and have had 3 big babies i told Matt Ï think im dying" he said you will be ok abulance took long time and i can just remember lyning on the floor of i think the mens bathroom wherever the shower is screaming when the pain hit then it would give me  release for s few seconds then i startrted screaming again. they took me to Belmont Hospital and transferred me to JHH the next day where i stayed for about 10 days then went to Toronto for nearly 2 months. my stroke has changed my life in a huge way my drinking patterns have dramatically cha i do hope that one day I can get back tohaving 1 or 2 wines with friends but we will see

So far I have helped Stroke Foundation deliver…

Initial advice and support from a health professional on StrokeLine

A stroke recovery pack to three survivors of stroke

Training to a StrokeSafe volunteer to deliver community talks.

Funding to stroke researchers to find the next game-changer in stroke.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Kevin Daly


Andrew Travis



Looking forward to Striding with you


Paul And Shirley Bowden

This donation is made in lieu of Christmas Gifts. We can think of no better gift for Christmas than the amazing recovery you have made. Special thanks to the Stroke Foundation for their ongoing commitment to improving outcomes for victims of stroke.


Cms Asia Pacific Mining

Hello Nikki, Keep strong and getting better each day. Steve and Kerry


Drew Townsend


Brain Industries


Brock Torrance

🫶🏼 Go Nikki


Facebook Donation


Jayden Torrance

great work mum ❤️


B & H Electrical Nsw

Love your work


James & Suzie Murphy

Love always from James, Suzie and the kids


Leon Dowman


Inland Freight


Aviso Group

Aviso Group is proud to match your donation.


Matt Torrance


Paul & Shell

Great work Nik


Jo-ann Paver

You are amazing 💕


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Facebook Donation


Paul Bowden

Keep up the great work Nicole


Tracey Torrance


Peter & Sharee Mcloughlin

Go Nik



So proud of you aunty wonks! Go get em girl!!


Katrina Pastourmoglou

you are inspiring Nic xx


Bruce & Elita

Awesome Nic, keep stepping out! 🩷


Fraser Offen


Anne Spradley


Keryn Joechtl

Keep up the great work. Keep kicking those goals. Proud of you


Naomi Neumann


Cathy Pitman


Tony &louise

Great work Nikki


Steve Weir


Krisna Bradbery

Awesome effort Nic x


Sculpt Hair


Tonia And Justyn Cook

Hi Nikki 🥰


Kylie Pickavance

Go girl. I’m super proud of how far you have come in your recovery x


Andrew Bowden

You’re doing a spectacular job


Janine Mcewan

You’ve got this my friend xx


Aaron Johansen

Well done Nicole!


Tony Lobb


Kylie And Stuart Mctackett


Facebook Donation


Hannah Pryke

You Go Girl you got this ❤️


Kathryn Maclaren

Nic, you are awesome.


Pat Hurst

Proud of you Nikki! 💗


Hayley Woollett




Kylie Neaves

Awesome work Nik


Tracy Kalisz

You are such an inspiration. You are an amazing woman. You should be so proud of yourself. :)❤️


Renee Vb


Facebook Donation


Gaye Coleman

Well done Nic, so proud of you. Xx


Millie Dale

Well done Nicki, what a great charity ❤️


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